SummerSlam (2011 TV Special)
A Great Show. Better Than I Remembered
6 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
SummerSlam 2011 Thoughts

SummerSlam 2011 was the 24th annual SummerSlam PPV event produced by the WWE. Event took place August 14, 2011, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California (for the third consecutive year). Attendence was at 17,404 which was a sell out and a buyrate of 296,000 from home. Event was the final PPV under the original brand extension from 2002. This event was notable for being dubbed "The Summer of Punk".

The biggest feud at this time was CM Punk vs. John Cena which became a feud that brought the reality from behind the scenes of Cena being at the top over everyone who "real" fans see as more deserving. Kinda like a work-shoot. It all begin with that infamous segment on Raw by CM Punk. Punk had a brief run as the top star because of how crazy that promo he cut (dubbed the pipebomb) made things more interesting. We also had Christian battling Randy Orton in what would possibly be Christian's biggest feud ever of his single's career. Christian would be this great annoying heel who felt screwed of losing his belt 5 days after winning and believed Orton intended to hurt his career.

The Good - 2 instant classics. John Cena/CM Punk blew the roof off for the 2nd consecutive PPV. While the match wasn't a 5 star like the one at Money in the Bank a month prior, it was still a terrific matchup and the crowd was hot for it. Punk had such a huge love from the crowd. Ending was a bit of a scratcher but it didn't hurt it. Randy Orton vs. Christian was also incredible. Wrong man won of course as Christian was some how never a favorite of Vince. But the match was mind blown. The opening was good as an opener and Barrett vs. Bryan was also petty good.

The Meh - Sheamus vs. Mark Henry ended up being an okay brawl but it's count out and inclusion on the PPV isn't very memorable. The Angle at the end was a bit of a mess. You can basically say looking at this show from a later standpoint makes it look bad. Alberto Del Rio also cashing in briefcase was not something many including myself were happy about but that's on another topic.

The Bad - The only 2 negatives of this show was the Divas Championship match which we all know how women's wrestling was around this time. It just was a lackluster match. Also a filler for mini concert at the show is worth skipping.

Overall - This show was a lot better than I remember. Storylines were pretty hot in the summer of 2011. While 2011 wasn't all that of a year, this storyline of Punk rising up to the top was terrific along with the match. The World Heavyweight Championship is also an amazing match to look back on. At the end, a great show.

Score - 8 out of 10: Really Really Good

0 = Terrible : 1 = Bad/Lackluster : 2 = Decent : 3 = Good : 4 = Awesome : 5 = One of the Best of all Time :

1. The Miz, R-Truth & Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston, John Morrison & Rey Mysterio - 3/5

2. Sheamus vs. Mark Henry - 2/5

3. Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix: WWE Divas Championship - 1.5/5

4. Wade Barrett vs. Daniel Bryan - 3/5

5. Randy Orton vs. Christian: World Heavyweight Championship (No Holds Barred) - 4.5/5

6. CM Punk vs. John Cena: WWE Championship - 4.5/5

7. Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk: WWE Championship - Not worth it

Best Match - CM Punk vs. John Cena

Worst Match - Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix

Most Memorable Moment - Randy Orton RKO on Christian on the Stairs.

Top 5 Performers

1. CM Punk - Outstanding Performance

2. John Cena - Outstanding Performance (Can't wrestle? Lol)

3. Randy Orton - Outstanding Performance

4. Christian - Outstanding Performance

5. Daniel Bryan - Good Performance.
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