Review of Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight (2022)
Dragon Clown
10 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't a movie, it's a theater club play. It's too laughable to think as a fantasy movie. Too many questions that can ruin your expectations of this film. This is a cheap Eragon knock off. At least there were magic in Eragon. Don't expect any bedazzling magic tricks from this one.

First : what is a dragon knight? Someone who calls themselves so? Cause I've watched this movie, and I see no difference between him and any other warriors. What makes him so special? I mean, he couldn't even make that dragon follow him into the battlefield.

Second : If one dragon can decimate an entire troop of Abaddon's army, then how the heck did the dragons being slain? Cause I didn't see anything special or powerful about Abaddon's army. None of them can do magic. None of them can defeat a dragon.

Third : Why are the fighting scenes looked like a child's game of swords? There were plenty of chances for the enemies to behead the dragon knight's head, but then they didn't. Were they just toying with him? Big mystery! LOL

Fourth : Why did Jigme suddenly change her mind about killing the dragon knight in the first place? No explanation for her sudden change of heart. This is very confusing for the audience.

I could've ridiculed this piece of crap by throwing some more insulting questions, but I think four is plenty enough to bring down anyone's confidence. Assuming they have shame and dignity left. I only gave 4 stars for the well made dragon CGI. Or mechanical dragon, seeing how rigid its movement was? Anyway, bottom line : this flick is not worth wasting your time. Go watch another movie, if you have options. Abandon this one! You'll thank me later.
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