Subterranea (2015)
The Social Experiment
12 April 2022
A man (Bug Hall) is raised since he was an orphan baby in an underground cell without seeing any other human or daylight. His only contact, for education and feeding, is with The Provider through an opening in the door of the cell. Twenty-five years later, he is released in a subway station having a scary experience seeing people and lights and hearing noises. He stumbles upon the homeless small-time criminal Remy (Nicholas Turturro) that teaches him how to survive in a wrong way. Out of the blue, he awakes in the house of a strange woman named Maya (Amber Rose Mason) that helps him and he falls in love with her. But when Maya vanishes, the man decides to find her whereabouts. But how can he do?

"Subterranea" is a film with an intriguing premise and an awful screenplay. The storyline of a wealthy sadistic lunatic that decides to raise a baby in a dark cell isolated from the society in a social experiment could have been better and better, like "Oldboy" (2003) or "Das Experiment" (2001) have been in the past. Unfortunately the messy non-linear screenplay is absolutely boring and the characters awfully developed. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "Subterrâneo" ("Underground")
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