The Rookie: Hand-Off (2020)
Season 2, Episode 15
Please Give Jackson Things to Do
13 April 2022
It feels as though the writers haven't been knowing what to do with Jackson's character which is unfortunate because he has so much potential.

Best parts of the episode?

  • I love Nolan's storyline. The man who stole his identity is a really interesting character. I really enjoyed seeing him throughout this episode. I also really liked the identity theft detective. This actor did a really, really good job. I hope we see him more in the future.

  • It was nice to see Grey and Lopez paired up. Their storyline wasn't interesting to me, especially since the resolution wasn't what I expected, but I liked seeing them "work" together.

  • I reallyyy like Officer Smitty. I love that we've been seeing him more and more often because his character is so fun!

  • I loved seeing Lucy interact with Rachel's father. I really liked Rachel's father in general. I loved how he was incorporated into a case and how much he cared for his daughter.

  • "You're not alone in this. You've got people who care about you." ... "Don't get excited. I am not one of them, but you're growing on me." What a greattt Harper quote.

Worst parts of the episode?

  • They haven't been giving Jackson interesting storylines.

  • Bradford and Rachel have no chemistry in this episode. I know their relationship is temporary (because there's absolutely no way that he and Chen don't get together), but it feels like the chemistry from earlier episodes is waning and the relationship doesn't feel the same as before.
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