The Green Fog (2017)
14 April 2022
I love this movie. I've seen Vertigo many times and I've seen many, but not all of the TV and movies that are edited into this show. I read footnotes. I watch some movies many times and enjoy aspects of them that aren't the main focus and might just be accidents of location footage. I love Gus Van Sant's 'Psycho' because I love Hitchcock's. Same with 'The Godfather: The Complete Novel For Television', 'Star Wars' in all of its editions, 'The Truth About Charlie,' and many other remakes. I know that the 1977 print of 'Star Wars' and Stanley Donen's 'Charade', and the first two Godfather movies are unique, original creations that need no help from other movies and that the stories they tell could hardly be told more effectively. Point is, I feel joy wallowing in the simple truth that the people that made 'The Green Fog' and all the other movies I'm thinking about love these movies as well. I feel a kinship and a fresh appreciation for the movies being referenced. In this case, that is quite a few movies and TV shows. For me, the feeling is not that different than the feelings modern franchise fans get when they see references, 'Easter eggs', and cameos from earlier movies as they watch a sequel. Finally, this movie certainly evokes an unusual mood, and that can be a fun place to go without controlled substances.
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