The Outfit (2022)
A mixed bag...also what's up with ratings lately? What I mean is...
14 April 2022
Why is everything on IMDb rated a 10 or a 1 by reviewers? Not literally ofc, but it seems like for some reason, maybe our culture of polarization or something I'm not clever enough to see, every new movie or show I check out on here lately has top reviews that are super high or dreadfully low.

On one hand I really wanted to like this movie, just happy it wasn't more Marvel garbage or another installment of a franchise related to Harry Potter or something. Nothing wrong with those movies per se, but they shouldn't be the only option! Maybe people reviewing are just happy something like this got made, and that I get.

However, I saw someone compare this to Usual Suspects which is truly hilarious to me. Comparing a one room slow burn, which is was extremely predictable by about the 20 min mark, to one of the great twists of all time, in a perfectly paced suspense/thriller/comedy. Shows how low our expectations have gone.

There's a lot to like here though. Rylance is a beast as always, he carries this with his performance in a way many other character actors couldn't. The rest of the cast was kind of blah, but they weren't bad or anything. The LaFontaine person was kind of cartoonish as was the Irish henchman but everyone else was just kind of average. This is basically a one location play, the equivalent of a "bottle episode", like Breaking Bad's "Fly" in S4.

I would say give it a watch if it's free on streaming and you don't have to pay for it, otherwise, you can probably find a better series or older movie that you haven't seen yet to watch. I guess unless you're a tailor/cutter or from 1950s Chicago, then this might be must see tv. Otherwise prob not.
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