The Bad Man (2018)
Great premise and set up, but doesn't have the bite that it should
15 April 2022
The latest effort from the talented low-budget director Scott Schirmer is The Bad Man. Utilizing many from the Ellie Church posse of hard-working emerging actors, we get another solid effort. Solid but not great, as compared to some of the previous efforts from said team (Found, Plank Face, Harvest Lake). The movie starts off rather strong but when it gets into the daring parts we've been waiting for, and come to expect from Schirmer, it swings and misses with the shock value, edge, and grit. The elements are there, and some things happen (in a tame manner) but it doesn't execute to expectations. It's not the usual graphically disturbing or uncomfortably daring ride I've come to look forward to with this team. Yes, it's still disturbing content, but I wanted to see how these usually unstoppable actors were going to nail the very uncomfortable stuff. I was left feeling like there was missed opportunities on this one. I still think it's worth a watch, and still good considering the limits and financial boundaries a low/no budget independent film team endures. Keep 'em coming..
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