My Little Happiness (2021– )
Fluffy Romance & Nice Comedy (Just FFW 2nd Leads Until Episode 24)
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know any of the actors but I wanted something fluffy that had a lot of romance and no need for thinking capacity. It had very little in the terms of cliches, but tropes and annoyances were mostly for the second leads, which I explained below.

Pros: I adore the main leads. Their chemistry was wonderful and the unwavering commitment of ML for the love of his existence was something not often seen in any of their modern dramas. The comedic aspect between them and the others was also on par. I loved the kissing, both subtle and not so subtle flirtation of the leads. It was a bit draggy but I was very glad when he finally told her the entire truth about them being childhood sweethearts and the man she's been searching for while he's waited for her. It's a very rare occasion nowadays for childhood sweethearts to wait for each other. Many forget. The ML definitely knows how to kiss and their wedding night was very sexy; wish there was more of it but I doubt that would have passed censorship. It was still very nicely done. The ending was very well executed.

Great OSTs and once they got together and got past that one misunderstanding, I loved every moment they spent together though I wish FL didn't always look surprised/petrified when ML was going to kiss her; it was quite silly. I think the only real time she looked totally comfortable was on their wedding night lol.

Cons: I do not understand this need in many cdramas for whiny, pouting, crying females. The SFL was a hot mess; I legit ffw'd a lot of the episodes because I just couldn't deal with her personality. All she did was cry, whine, moan, and complain in a pre-pubescent voice. The SML also had a lot of problems including an identity crises and not knowing what he wanted or when he wanted it. Honestly, if this was a drama with just the main leads and the supporting cast, it would have been so much better. The second leads didn't bring anything useful to the table.

The FL's cousin was an absolute nuisance; he popped up in the most in opportune moments and honestly, I'm surprised he didn't interrupt them on their wedding night. Dude was as dense as a rock. Good kid all around but just no contemplation of when to go somewhere or say something. It was because of the SLs that this drama is getting rated as I did it. I shouldn't have to fast forward full episodes because of the ridiculous and cringeworthy SL characters.

Would I recommend it? As a filler fluff drama full of romance, yes. Just concentrate on the main leads and you'll get your fill of fluff and comedy. 7.5/10.
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