Hand of Death (1962)
This is a very average addition to the genre that's an absolutely must see
19 April 2022
Hand of Death (1962) is a movie I recently watched off my DVR after recording it on FXM. The storyline follows a scientist who steps a little out of his realm and begins testing a new, state of the art nerve gas. Unfortunately for him things don't go as planned leading to a catastrophe.

This movie is directed by Gene Nelson (The Bad News Bears and Fantasy Island television series) and stars John Agar (The Mole People), Paula Raymond (Devil's Door), Stephen Dunne (The Woman from Tangier), Roy Gordon (Attack of the 50ft Woman) and John A. Alonzo (Chinatown).

This is one of the all time greatest background music you will find in any film. This soundtrack is cool from beginning to end. The characters are well established and it's easy to root for and against the main character. His transformation scene is crazy and seeing him run around as a monster in a trench coat was hilarious. The taxi scene in this had me cracking up.

Overall this is a very average addition to the genre that's an absolutely must see. I would score this a 5-5.5/10 and strongly recommend it.
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