Off the wall indie comedy
20 April 2022
Building off the fantastically outlandish premise of a suicide cult occupying the apartment of a normal couple, before taking things to illogical extremes. This setup invites a revolving door of beloved b-list comedians who show up for one-act performances, to varying degrees of craziness.

If the overblown title didn't already give it away, the film has no interest in being understated. The plot opts to follow a zany zig zag rather than make any attempt at coherent realism, so if you like your comedy grounded, this may not be for you. For the most part, the absurdism is amusing, taking things in some unexpected directions. Occasionally, it does come across a little awkwardly, with a couple of the non sequitur monologues overstaying their welcome.

Quirky to a fault, but still an enjoyable little black comedy if you can sustain a sense of humour about suicide.
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