21 April 2022
Not entirely sure what to make of this which has appeared on Amazon Prime recently.

Its not entirely clear what's going on or what's supposed to be going on, as the story seems a bit thin and has somehow managed to stretch to 110 minutes. It just seems to be a illogical disjointed mess of various effects (mostly done bad), flashbacks, random cuts and just general "what the deuce?" moments. Seems badly edited as well.

The use of green screen is painfully obvious in many scenes (particularly in anything that involves water). Green screen on its own is a legitimate technique to sell the illusion but here its done badly and it screams green screen the second you clamp eyes on it.

With a low production budget. It was obvious casting was going to run off to a local school somewhere and find children who's only acting experience was in the school play, and boy does it show here, with the same monotonous flat delivery on every line. Fine for the school play but otherwise...

If I had any idea what was actually going on here in this production. I may have said its a shot to nothing viewing wise. I could probably forgive all the film's other faults due to budget but the killer for me is the bad green screen used throughout. If it had been a handful of the key scenes I probably would have let it go. But as it affects all the green screen scenes, I can't.

Sorry. Better luck next time.
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