Good Beginning Quickly Disintegrates
22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was really enjoying this movie. A mystery woman murders 3 people by injecting them in the back of the neck with poison, which makes them bleed like Monsters. The cops find and get into a fight with this mystery woman in the subway. Now, she has obviously murdered 4 or more people already, she breaks one policeman's leg almost killing him, she beats up another policeman and handcuffs him to a Subway bench before the policeman is able use the poison she's been using against her, then she falls in front of a subway train. Flash Forward in time 9 years and there are protesters who are protesting the police for this monstrously evil woman's death. Never mind that she killed 4 or more or more, which can be proven, never mind that she beat up and broke the leg of one police officer, there is a large crowd of angry people protesting THE MURDERERS death, after this woman has murdered all these people and beating up police officers this crowd is calling for justice like she didn't do anything. It gives real protesting of Injustice a black eye to have these idiots in this movie protesting the death of someone who is obviously a serial murderer. It makes me sick how much woke, social justice crap makes it into movies to ruin them. I couldn't watch, I had to turn it off. Don't bother with this piece of garbage.
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