Life After You (II) (2022)
Spot-On Depiction of Life After Child Loss
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As the second reviewer here, I was compelled to share that this is one of the most accurate and well done films on teen loss that I've seen. Unlike the other reviewer so far, I HAVE lost someone, my teenage son, not in the same way as the film, but along with a few other teens in an overnight tragic event. What this film reflects, and what parallels real life events I can personally attest to: When the news breaks, and people start showing up at your house ( police, neighbors, friends, complete strangers) you are in shock, and have no idea, this crowd of people suddenly in your home.

You start to find out things about your kid you never knew before from their friends, and you can't talk to your kid about it.

The funeral of a young person is usually attended by a very large number of people,so an exhausted grieving family is on hand greeting a lot of well-wishers paying thir respects.

The little details that your child's absence creates, such as the snacks are untouched, and the house stays cleaner than usual, etc...people don't realize these details hit the hardest to a grieving family in the weeks and months after. The guilt a mother and father feel, and even a teen's friends, for not preventing their death, no matter the circumstances, is real...and all-consuming.

Broken-heart syndrome has the same symptoms as a heart attack..I was taken by ambulance twice myself .. Grief can lead to social anxiety, agoraphobia, many people stop talking to you because they don't know what to say, or Because they feel guilty that their children are alive and thriving, and you lost yours.

Even when you find or have a happy moment or milestone from that point forward, it is forever tainted with the WORST day of your life, the day you lost your child.

This movie literally covered EVERY little detail of what living with sudden tragic loss of a teen is like. I can vouch for that, because I've been there. I can't think of one area that they missed or misrepresented...and the acting from everyone was excellent! For all of these reasons, I rate it a 10/10.
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