Too Many Cooks and Cutters
24 April 2022
Plot: Anita (Young) divorces Tony (Niven) because he appears both unfaithful and more interested in his magic show than her. But despite their separation and new partners, the mutual attraction remains. So what will happen now.

Despite the two scintillating A-list leads, Niven and Young, the flick fails to gel. Maybe that's because I saw a badly edited version whose unfortunate number IMDB points out. Then again, maybe it's the cluttered result of 8 writers working on the same screenplay, which seldom works. Also, it's apparent the producers were clearly worried about the watchdog censors of The Motion Picture Code, since much of the narrative plays around with non-marital sex and how their characters might avoid it. Unfortunately, the solutions are highly contrived (e.g. Crawford getting the clumsy run-around from Young since they're not really married). Still and all, production did manage to sneak in a double bed for N &Y's early wedded bliss, a bed that also symbolizes their enduring love despite the many difficulties.

On the upside are magician Niven's stage tricks and a look at how they're done, though I found his should-be-suspenseful parachuting poorly done (needs more close-ups of his struggling while falling). On the other hand, there's the many close-ups of the lovely Loretta, a wholesome darling. And on a more minor note, how about a youngish Broderick Crawford as a romantic interest - that sure took me some getting used to.

Anyway, too bad the different parts of the romantic comedy fail to gel and that it took 8 writers to apparently keep the censors at bay. Nonetheless, the two photogenic leads show why their careers were long and popular despite the let-down here.
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