Kirby: Triple Deluxe (2014 Video Game)
Kirby triple deluxe review
25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wonderful 3d graphics, great controls, love all the enemy characters and all their variety and moves, great different modes and newer ways to play the game, i love the music and the SFX of the game it is very high-quality stuff and i appreciate the team's efforts to make this game a reality for both Kirby and Nintendo fans alike. I also love the little things that happen at the end of every level where you're shot out of a cannon to get to the highest point of a bunch of clouds in order to win some cool prices, the keychains are beautiful looking also for them being references and other callbacks in the Kirby franchise and being pixelated for nostalgia. I really love the boss fights they are a lot of fun to battle and also have a decent amount of difficulty, the arena and true arena modes are a ton of fun in order for you to truly test your skills. I also really love how stylish and beautiful the story mode cutscenes look and also the tiny little plot twists that begin to happen as well. I also love how simple and easy it is to follow the story and plot so that you can make it a whole lot easier to follow up with the game's progression. I love the copy abilities for puzzle solving and game play mechanics and having different moves to use per ability, and i also love the returning characters like dark Meta Knight that we haven't seen in years but he's back now. I love the new super nova ability to suck up literally everything in your path and it's just crazy and insane. I love how their multiplayer as well with a new mode called Kirby fighters. New supervillain character loves his design and character towards wanting to take over popstar and wanting to summon an all-powerful goddess like character that eventually betrays him in the end but then he helps out Kirby and become friends with him and it's very nice to see. I like this game reintroducing characters like bosses into brand new forms. I also really enjoy the variety of the brand-new locations with brand themes and environments with brand new obstacles and challenges to be discovered and with the boss fights for the final levels fitting in with the theming. I also like how Kirby's character is supposed to be more of the cute and innocent and lovable carefree child character but on the inside he's actually extremely violent and dangerous and can be a very destructive character at the same time, like for example grabbing a bunch of superpowers and abilities and many various weapons and tools to just go on a killing spree even though he is cute and adorable. I also adore the entire 3d gimmick being fully utilized in here from being able to go from the foreground into the background and interacting with the background elements and playing around with them. Also, i love all the various collectables that you can find in this game as well like the newly added sun stones. This game is a very fun, easy but also challenging game which also the graphics are amazing, and the animation is cartoony as heck and the characters and art style is also cartoony as heck and as a person who loves cartoons i love the art style and animation of this entire game. 10/10 game wonderful work by the folks over at Nintendo and to all the dev's who worked on this title thank you all very much for making this game possible and that we commend you for all your efforts.
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