Blackadder Goes Forth: General Hospital (1989)
Season 1, Episode 5
25 April 2022
Blackadder is tasked with routing out a spy at a Hospital, George is laid up, being tended to by the beautiful Nurse Mary.

Definitely one of Blackadder's bet ever episodes, absolutely magical from start to finish.

It almost plays out like one of those romances from the 1950's, it has that kind of sentimental romantic vibe, however it's Blackadder, so it's loaded with wit, humour, and a lot of physical humour.

Miranda Richardson, be still my beating heart, is sublime throughout, magically funny, with an incredible sense of timing. Loved the scenes of her nursing George, side splitting.

I can't believe how quickly this series has rolled by, only one to go, and I must ready myself for it, having only seen it once.

This, was perfect, 10/10.
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