Hippocrate (2018– )
Hippocrate téléspectateur, mon semblable, mon frère? Addictive addition to Amazon Prime, where they call it "Interns," btw
25 April 2022
Couldn't disagree more with the previous reviewer. Unlike ma femme francophone, I can't really follow the rapid, slangy dialogue, replete with medical terms and acronyms, and I know I miss a lot by having to read the captions. Nevertheless, we gobbled up four eps at a sitting and are eager to watch the rest. The attractive cast gives uniformly strong performances, and though the show's premise may seem contrived--interns up against it after the doctors in their wing, who've been exposed to an unknown "tropical infection," have been quarantined--it all plays out very well. This first season is built around a series of newbie screwups and deliberate deceptions (the latter by a veteran fourth-year played by gorgeous Louise Bourgoin ("The Romanoffs")) that results in a patient's death; intriguing and suspenseful medical, ethical and political complications ensue.

Some aspects of French hospital culture, notably the risqué murals and dude-bro antics in the staff cafeteria, may seem bizarre, others (assuming they're accurately portrayed) quite refreshing--the nurses and interns are patient and attentive, the patients surprisingly cheerful and compliant, e.g., not chippy and obstreperous like their real-world US counterparts have been known to be on occasion.... (OTOH, I didn't see a complimentary TV in anyone's room. C'est-ce que c'est que cette connerie putain?!)

I see S2's been out for a couple of years and has yet to be picked up by Masterpiece, btw. If you see Alan Cumming or Laura Linney, you might mention it to them...
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