Dead Like Me: Business Unfinished (2003)
Season 1, Episode 10
Best episode of the season
25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My overall rating of "Dead like me"'s Season 1: 7/10.

The main plotline is pretty great: it is comedic, but also thoughtful, and gives us a bit more worldbuilding still. Mary Kate is a very fun character, although a bit of a cliche. Her walking into the lights was absolutely beautiful.

The writing did feel a bit inelegant at times, however. Daisy gives Rube a cause for suspicion a bit too easily; I didn't particularly like the type of "closure" that Rube gives Roxy (and her whole plotline is a bit questionable); and while the end scene of George sailing is beautiful, I'm not sure what it's supposed to depict - is it a far-ish future, when George has settled her financial difficulties and taken up sailing? She seems to have some skill handling a rather large sailboat, and travelling pretty sharply to the wind - I don't know whether it takes a lot (or any) money to join up an adult yacht-club in the US Northwest, but she's surely spent some time at it, which doesn't really gel with the following episodes and her story at the moment.
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