Metal Lords (2022)
Doesn't Understand Itself
25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film should be called "Poser Metal Lords" because that's exactly what it is.

Whoever wrote this doesn't understand what metal is about because it certainly isn't spoiled, rich kids living in the suburbs having everything they'd ever want handed to them on a silver platter, including new muscle cars and rooms full of brand new instruments and gear.

The two 'protagonists' aren't even really friends as the one kid basically has to drag the other into forming a band because he doesn't even like metal music. They aren't likeable, they don't have a believable arch, they aren't united in their love of metal and counter-culture, fighting against the social norms that refuse to accept them. They aren't from the bad part of town, or poor or minorities or outcasts. In fact, the bookish nerd, played by the ever-annoying Jaeden Martell, takes the first opportunity to sell out and join a band that's more popular and plays parties at the cool kids' houses.

That's not metal. NO ******* WAY.

Enter the weird, chemically unbalanced cello-playing girl who is secretly great and hot but too awkward to fit in anywhere else. It's like there's a cliche checklist. Of course she and nerd kid develop feelings for each other but only AFTER they've already banged each other because weird girl suggested to nerd they take each other's virginity for NO REASON at all. No build up, no history, it's almost one of the first things they do.

Somehow, this all leads up to a Battle of the Bands which is all the metal kid can think about for some reason. Maybe because the plot requires it. Of course there are montages of them rehearsing and trying to convince weird girl to join as their bassist and she refuses, blah blah blah. Id' really lost interest at this point because metal kid is a dick, nerd kid is annoying and a sell-out and weird girl doesn't want to be in the 'band'.

The big day finally arrives and SURPRISE SURPRISE, the weird girl shows up at the last minute looking all hot and they win over the crowd with their terrible song and.... who cares. Metal kid even wins a little of his dad's respect. BARF.

So many movies have done it better but hey... at least it's not a comic book movie or a reboot so it gets 5 stars.
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