I liked it. However this movie has some nasty issue with pacing.
28 April 2022
This movie is quite wild. And, overall, it's only flaw is the kind of pacing that tires watchers out.

It's something more or less like this: 20 minutes of slow 20 minutes of non-stop action 30 minutes of action with small breaks 30 minutes of mostly nothing with some action breaks

Action is great, but when the movie slows to "lets talk" part.. it gets tiresome, because it either doesn't end or the topic is eye-rolling'ly lame.

The final message is strong, but because of the pacing i felt simply tired to really care and think about it. So i just accepted it as is, while rushing out of cinema.

Humor is mostly good, there were some scenes i openly laughed. For all the runtime my focus never waned, so that's good.

Should you watch it: If you like Rick and Morty, this show will most likely feel familiar and fun. If you like "weird" movies, then this one should also be fun experience.
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