Sentimental and Entertaining for Julia Child Fans
1 May 2022
As a lifelong Julia Child fan, I started watching this with a little trepidation. I thought it would be too easy to turn Julia into a caricature and I was concerned about how they would incorporate her into the show. It turns out that my concern was unfounded. They did a great job.

I loved this show and I'm not over-fond of many current cooking contests on Food Network. My complaint against most shows is that they prefer flash-bang, edgy contestants and weird banter that ends up detracting from the cooking.

The Julia Child Challenge seems to take a page from The Great British Baking Show play-book; kinder, gentler, but no less entertaining and certainly more educational than most of the current crop.

I love that the contestants are nice folks, that they genuinely support each other, and don't talk smack. Each of them is truly talented as a home cook, too.

Antonia Lofaso does a great job connecting with the contestants and providing honest constructive criticism.

I'd happily watch more seasons of this.
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