Moonfall (2022)
Wow, worse than I could have imagined
3 May 2022
I had low expectations for this movie and yet somehow it disappointed me in just about every possible way. I do like disaster movies but rather the subject of disaster vs the movie being a disaster itself.

Halle Berry has no sense of passion in her dialogue, she is telling someone that the world is basically ending but explains it like she has to take the day off work to go to the dentist, I just can't say enough how terrible she is in this movie. Benefit of the doubt for her is that the movie is riddled with terrible dialogue and terrible acting at times.

The movie starts with an explosive scene and then sits back and spends about 30 minutes or more with completely unnecessary story line that adds nothing to the movie, so the pace is slowed right down and the way that they disgrace the main character to then bring him back is just plain ridiculous. The story line is obviously out there but it could have been done so much better.

When you look at the main actors, you would think this is a big budget possible blockbuster but in reality this is no better than most of the made for TV disaster movies that you would see during the day on a random channel back in the early 2000's.

I have to admit I went into this movie blind, I didn't see a trailer so I did not know what I was getting into. It kinda reminded me of Geostorm but just a poorly conceived version with a terrible premise and worse acting. They either needed to go all in on the sci-fi side of the movie and make it more out there like Battleship for instance, ridiculous but embracing itself for what it is, or go all in on the disaster side because it's a mixture of the two but not in a good way. Avoid. BTW Halle Berry's career has fallen to an all time low.
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