Moon Knight (2022)
Perfect example of how a Marvel show can be!
3 May 2022
I'm a huge Marvel fan and so I can't wait for new episodes or movies to arrive and so far with the shows they have been a little hit and miss for me although I have enjoyed every series they have released so far and this one is no exception.

This to me has been the best series they have released so far. I think part of that is that Moon Knight is not a character that I knew much about so I did not really have any expectations. I really love how they gave it the usual Marvel feel but made as story that is so far removed from anything else they have done so it feels fresh and new.

The locations are fantastic, the characters are fantastic and the music completely fits. They manage to get the back story in so well that it completely explains the character whilst also peppering in some action and good storyline to boot. Ethan Hawks surprised me with how good he is as the villain, it is not a role that I would have connected him with and yet he plays the part perfectly. The main character also fits perfectly (both characters) which shows tremendous acting ability to switch back and forth and completely sell you on it.

Overall this is my favorite series so far because it is so different to the others, they manage to introduce a new character and make him an instant favorite, now I can't wait to see this character on the big screen!
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