Feet First (1930)
Harold Lloyd's Mistake
4 May 2022
It would have been better if this film had never been produced. I first saw "Feet First" on the big screen when I was about twelve with my grandmother and thought it was funny then, but that was over fifty years ago. Seeing it again tonight, I don't think I smiled once. Hearing Lloyd's every grunt and gasp and his cries for help as he climbs the building at the finale make one wish this were a silent film. Having seen "Safety Last!" earlier, it was difficult to understand why he would want to remake those same concluding scenes just seven years later.

Others on this database have written about the offensive racism of Sleep N' Eat (Willie Best), the Black actor who appears near the end of the film, who fails to help Lloyd. One reviewer confuses him with Stepin Fetchit (Lincoln Perry) and another writes that since it was made in 1930, what can you do about it, implying that racism that is old is fine. I would hope most people today are a little more enlightened.
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