Bumperkleef (2019)
The father is such a.....
5 May 2022
...... he is the most annoying person I've ever seen in a film. He actually deserved what happened to him. It would have been a disaster if he hadn't been punished.

Yes, it's his role to be annoying. And he does it perfectly. So much that the viewer's sympathies develop in favour of the villain!

This is an EGO war that the father is waging.

He even jeopardises the health and lives of his children and his wife. With very bad decisions that can all be traced back to his ego.

His Ego focussed personality is revealed for the 1st time on the motorway when another car overtook his car. He started to accelerate while the other car overtook him.

All of the following problems of the movie can be traced back to his ego. And he met the wrong person at the wrong time at the wrong place: the Villain who is punishing people like him.

The message of the film is: one's ego is not a good advisor when making decisions.
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