Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
ST:P in season 2 becomes ST:PFCB
7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does Contain SEASON Spoilers** **Does Contain SEASON Spoilers**.

Yes sadly Star Trek: Picard in season 2 becomes Star Trek: Picard's French Chateau's BASEMENT. A seemingly almost endless tale of Picard's French Chateau's BASEMENT and his exploits down there.

A dozen times we see his foot getting caught in decrepid wooden floorboards, SUCH GREAT SCI-FI action!!! & also more tiresome scenes in a conservatory.

It all seemed to lose its way after episode 3 or so. Going from a SPACE themed setting to a land locked one, centring around some basement supposedly in France, though obviously a CBS film set. The last episode again adding space based elements to it.

Some episodes did drag on, though it was good enough in parts, what could they do with it really?, maybe about the best that they could. Utilising the ensembled cast in various and in some cases different than Season 1 roles.

A very narrow minded and shortsighted viewpoint from Picard I thought, here he was in a situation where he was in a Galaxy without the BORG, and along with 7 of 9 was dictating events.

Could he have not seen what he was thrust into was better, that it 'had' the potential to be better at least. Some changes and they all could have got on with it, smothing it all out.

OK the current wars would need to be curtailed, strange though how the BORG from the Delta Quadrant were supposed to have been defeated, yet the "Confederation" was still warring against a local neighbour Vulcan. The scriptwriters wanting us to swallow that scenario.

NOT VERY LIKELY is it. Big PLOT HOLE there then.

Picard & 7 of 9 who was the President of the Confederation could have mellowed out the belligerence they were actively engaged in. Called a truce. Did this not occur to him?. His precious Federation gone and all its lofty ideals gone as well was too much for him to bear.

He could have had a Galaxy without the Borg, THAT is the thing here but chose the same old same old. One palatable to him. So it could fit in with his moral sense of right & wrong.

Yes initially they would be doing harm, this was in motion already, so hardly his fault, but surely couldn't 7 of 9 and him soon changed & ended that. Made things better. All a bit of a wasted opportunity, plot wise, in that fictional setting.

Not too bad of a season, I was entertained in parts & intrigued esp with Q being in it, who always picks an episode/season up. Decent enough acting, though I would have liked to have seen it more SPACE based as the first amount of episodes were, this is integral to a decent Sci-fi series, especially one that is set in space.

NOT Star Trek Picard's French Chateau's Basement Trek. To boldly go where no one has gone before, into Picard's French Chateau's Basement.

Not too bad then, better than nothing, always decent enough acting & production, though the script could have been tweaked up in places.

Having reviewed season 1 just prior to this, yes I would say I did prefer season 1. Worth putting the effort in though. 5 stars then.
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