Review of Bubble

Bubble (2022)
8 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before I start... who is paying these people to leave good reviews? Like, hit me up I want to get in on the action 🤣🤣🤣. Seriously though 😒.

I feel really bad because after like 15 mins I stopped, and started doing something else. I eventually got back to the Movie because like... maybe I was having an off day and maybe it wasn't the movie. But I was wrong. As time went on I could feel the lack of a storyline. However, while watching, it's hard to put that feeling into words. I was confused and ignored the red flags because I thought, "well, maybe they will explain it in the end".

Ok so if you haven't seen the movie yet, this is my best shot of explaining it:

Bubble is about a boy in this city that was one out of many hubs for this alien attack. The aliens have been there for a while, of course, no one knows why or when they will leave so they just adapted. By adapted I mean they left the city. In Tokyo where the main character lives, orphan kids live in the city with help from government researchers who are trying to understand the aliens. Oh, by the way, the aliens are bubbles. Bubbles people can't communicate with. As random as this will sound, there are also vortexes that are like black holes - don't ask me why. Ok for fun these kids basically created a parquet game where the winner wins supplies and food - provided by who - I forgot. One day an alien became a girl. This happened when the main character almost drowned and was saved by the girl alien named Uta. The main character, who is a parquet legend carries her back to their home where he lives like like 5 other guys on his team. Trust me, I didn't make this up. Uta learns to speak and then learns to play parquet. Literally, then something happens and the bubbles started going crazy. The rest of the movie is about trying to save the city from completely being destroyed. One key part is that Uta falls in love with the main character, and learns that if she touches him she starts turning into bubles. Explaining the rest is pointless trust me. Ok.

Ok so here are some things that really confused me or were just pointless:

First Uta - the female co-star, couldn't speak. Then she could speak. Then she studied all these books like she was trying to get into college. Then, out of nowhere, they started referencing The Little Mermaid like they were Platinum Sponsors. I might be the only one, but... I didn't get the hints until after like the 4th Little Mermaid reference. Maybe I didn't get it because this movie was nothing like The Little Mermaid. Far from.

Thinking back about the movie there are so many questions:

Where do these orphans get their food from? Why are they allowed to just roam around that dangerous city? Literally, one of the teams kidnapped the woman adult researcher and made it a game to rescue her. And surprisingly they played the game to rescue her. Btw kidnapping is not cool. Also, I had no clue who the enemy was in the movie. I think the enemy was the deadline hounding the writers for a good storyline - I could be wrong. For next time guys, remember the enemy's gate is down. Literally, I have no clue why the vortexes were there. What was the dark Uta girl about? Did anyone get that part? Why was Uta dying for like 3 full days compared to how quickly her arm disappeared earlier. Btw if you don't notice that a girl you just touched arm disappeared... like I can't trust your judgment as the main character.

But at least we did learn some stuff in the end:

We learned the most important thing. That song that was playing was created by Uta. I swear I wasn't going to be able to sleep until I knew where that song was coming from. Great job on that guys!! Oh about the bubbles - like where did they come from? We didn't learn that. Oh, the vortexes - no didn't learn that. Did the bubbles go away? - naw they didn't. Did the main character get the girl in the end? - Naw he didn't. Did we learn who the real enemy was? - nope not really. Did we get a motive? - not exactly. Did they live happily ever after? - No they are kinda in the same boat at the end. Wait Wait Wait so what was the purpose of this movie? - Exactly.

My Theory on How they Made this Movie:

I have a theory. You know how businesses have to come up with a company slogan. Originally it's a cool idea, and then too many people add in their two cents? I feel this movie started as a really good idea. Then, there was a meeting with everyone involved, including the janitors and people who set up the lights. The Director and Producer said, "throw out all your idea, no idea is too stupid." Roger That!

So someone said we should have vortexes. "Yes, great idea".

I like the Little Mermaid. "Yes, great idea".

I like when people jump off buildings and cool stuff like that. "yes, I love it".

We should kidnap someone. "Awesome keep them coming".

Oh, I saw this movie called The fault in my stars, and Augustus had an amputated leg. "Yes Yes, that is the best idea ever".

Throw in some cool tech gear; Throw in aliens; I like headphones; - dumb ideas just kept coming one after the other.

And then someone said - what if every time you touched someone they turned into bubbles... at this point the room got quiet.

Then the director said, "I promise, even if we completely destroy the storyline, I'll fit in all of your ideas".

**End of Story**

In Conclusion:

Overall it was a really bad movie. If you've seen the drama skit the kids of the E Class put on from the Assassination Classroom, it's kinda like that but not good.

It's similar because you get sucked in, but then in the end the auditorium is full of people throwing stuff. You'll say to yourself "What did I just watch"?

I'm not upset but man. I'm disappointed.
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