The Good Doctor: The Lea Show (2022)
Season 5, Episode 17
10 May 2022
This show's format has become a generic formula, zero depth.

At least in last few seasons, despite being average at best, they had a few quality medical/story plots. Now it is some 100% predictable melodrama with medical content more of a tag alone than core, most involving anti-men or some of the numerous currently hip soc-pol fads.

Also even during surgery 90% is gossip (as if there was not enough of relationship drama already) while doing surgery more as a backdrop and 10% medical. The 10% is usually - going fine -going fine -going fine, oh no problem! Emergency! Resolution, uf problem solver. Or Shaun has an "idea" in the last quarter and saves the day. Always the same.... horrible writing.

Forget Shaun and his past seasons interesting perspectives and dealings with people and medicine due to his condition. Nah.., its a soap opera now first and foremost. Bad predictable, generic one.

This is unwatchable, I skip ahead constantly, watch the show in max 10 mins.
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