Review of Katoby

This Is Us: Katoby (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
Kate Pearson is the worst! Seriously the worst!
10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously she is the worst character in this show. I physically wince when the episode centres around her. Beyond the overweight story lines there is nothing to her character.

Toby deserved so much better. He got a bigger and better job, where he was comfortable and good at his job. He did everything he could to provide for his family so they wouldn't go without, with very little support and comfort. Litterally no understanding what it's like to lose your job and have no support from your other half. IRL fact, most couples divorce due to the husband losing their job and not being able to provide.

He got little support from Kate when finding out his first born son had sight problems. All the things we take for granted like watching your boy watch the films you love have all been taken away.

He lost weight to be increase his life span, scared of having another heart attack, to feel good about himself, and be a better role model for his kids. He should have had a say in what his kids eat as it's understandable concerns given both of their weight insecurities.

Plus side best couple by far has to be Randall and Beth.
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