Trek to Yomi (2022 Video Game)
Good looks can be very deceiving.
11 May 2022
I enjoyed Trek To Yomi to a certain degree the game started out pretty good had amazing visuals and impressive voice acting but the story seemed like the usual Samurai revenge on bandits type of thing which isn't original and while this could be viewed as a missed opportunity due to some aspects of the story showing some promise i still wouldn't be too harsh on the game on that spectrum. Admittedly i couldn't keep myself from thinking well, what if they had done this or that in the story instead? But thats just personal preference. The gameplay on the other hand was mostly fine for an indie game nothing crazy like Sekiro or Ghost of Tsushima but stable and simple combat mechanics and well rounded map design with multiple secret areas and shortcuts that you can take and sometime be completely unaware of their existence the enemy variety kinda sucks because it doesn't encourage you to play differently at all. Infact i finished most of the game without using the ranged weapons they give you throughout the game which felt like a massive missed opportunity especially when enemy types could have been built based on the combinations of weaponry at your disposal which wasn't the case as the encounters felt very repetitive after a certain time. The puzzles scattered around the map were very simple and felt like fillers that are there to increase play time rather than be fun or creative and the amount of shrines (check-points) is just horrendous i played this game on Kansai mode in which you basically die in one shot and still i managed to beat it without much trouble due to the staggering amount of shrines after almost every encounter. Overall i'd suggest this game to people who enjoy games with a focus on middle age Japan and the way of the Samurai as the game nailed those aspects perfectly but thats pretty much it.
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