too bad more people dont like this one .... its solid
12 May 2022
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME (4) and today we review .......a frankenstein movie that doesnt suck ????

Wait is that possible ? Yes ...yes it is ...........

now before you grab your torches and pitch forks ........let make one thing clear ...JUST because the old black and white frankenstein film was a "classic" and it was the first of its kind etc ...doesnt mean it was great ......FOR its time it was king of the hill 100% ......and it does indeed deserve a place for recognition in MANY ways BUT honestly .......... the costuming on the monster was a bit ..... MEH at best ...lol.... looked like he fell out of a crate full of that shredded packing paper stuff glued to him all over ....... so NO, not impressed ......NOW here we have a legit frankenstein monster HOLY CRAP ........honestly one of the best ive seen, and i wish this film would have been an entire film just about the DR vs monster struggle .... the mummy was REALLY out of place ........ you could have cut all the mummy scenes out and had one of the best short franken films ever made .......it was cool to see them battle at the end BUT the monster, and how he became this straight up murderous bad guy , knowing who he was before and going back to those ways was solid and worth watching just for that story alone .........the mummy just hung out in a room all day and waited around ... like .... okay ? Felt like, he didnt do anything until the last 5 minutes ...sure he kills people BUT he literally lays there , they walk over to him , surprise and dead ........wow ........ no depth to him, even though they REALLY tried to tell a story for him ... it was "old and boring" just like the mummy .........

FX were great ,..... the acting was WAY better than usual ...........this film is well above average and gives a new look at the monster and even the mummy in some aspects ....... the story was solid over all .... i mean the mummy side was generic as its the same old "im cursed release me you reincarnated soul " ....BUT again the redeemer here .... the monster ..... MAN i wish it was just a film about THIS version of frankensteins monster ... i cant stress enough how much i never liked frankenstein movies but this one is tight ........sure its a bit cheesy with the fight scene thing BUT thats not enough to detour from the films greater parts ........

one of the best designs for the monster ever, he actually looks like a corpse , not just a guy with some stiches on his face .......

sadly i do think the cover art kind of makes the film look "less" than it is , i remember staying away from this film in the rental store (when those were a thing lol) but glad i watched it now ...... worth the watch for sure .....

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