Review of Two Tars

Two Tars (1928)
Nowadays one seldom sees the sort of highway mayhem . . .
12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . comprising the last half of TWO TARS. The reason for this should be obvious to any self-respecting American Citizen. When this flick was released almost a century ago, Authorities estimate only about 15 million Peacemakers were held in private hands. However, in our enlightened modern year of 2022, experts suggest that we can all rest easy because the USA's "well-regulated militia" (or Citizen Army) is packing more than 600 million pieces--if you count all the antique rods, ghostly printer products, as well as various incarnations of "zip guns," and other Secret Agent 007-type satchel, camera and briefcase firearms. Surely Stan and Ollie would be drilled more times than Bonnie and Clyde if they tried to pull their anti-social vandalism shenanigans on a contemporary American highway. So enjoy TWO TARS, and don't forget to thankfully support your local chapter of BANGS: Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps.
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