Bravo- perfectly crafted!
12 May 2022
This is the most stunning show I've ever seen. Beautifully written, acted and directed, it never failed to be touching, enlightening, devastating, insightful or eye-opening. I watched the whole series over 3 weeks (thanks, Covid!!) and ugly cried at the end of it like never before after a show. I knew many of the actors from other loved French shows, but feel all of them brought such depth to these characters, and truly performed at the peak of their craft. As much as you expect to loathe some characters, the humanity brought to each of them truly caused me to see the truth of this period of history with a much more empathetic and softened heart. I was especially moved by conversations between Heinrich and Gustave, which made my 52-year old self realize no matter how well-educated, learned or informed I may be about WWII and the following years, truly comprehending what the people of France lived and felt during this time isn't something I will ever experience. The true gift of this show is how beautifully human, wholly fallible, and imperfect the writers, directors and actors crafted these characters to be which led to a much more sympathetic and empathetic response from the viewer.
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