Dying for A Daughter (2020 TV Movie)
14 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start? The psycho nurse struts around in a slinky silk black robe while sipping red wine with the mother's husband on her first day on the job and the wife just stands there like a moron instead of calling her out and firing her butt on the spot.

Later on she sees an 8x10 framed photo of psycho nurse and her daughter on daughter's nightstand and seeing how inappropriate it is, asks about it and accepts the lame excuse she's given about it.

By this point, any mother would have sent the nurse packing but the moron mother is too clueless.

Then as these Lifetime movies go, whoever wises up to the psycho is quickly eliminated. This hapless victim is strangled in her car right in front of the hospital entrance in broad daylight and even honks her horn as she takes her final breath and no one is around to notice!

There are security cameras all over these parking lots so it's a stupid murder scene to have done because there's no way the psycho would have been able to succeed in it because CCTV would've caught her entering the car and driving it away.

By the time the psycho poisoned the idiot mother with soy milk that she's allergic to and also the husband so she can fake intimate pics with him to set him up to an affair and then strangle another person in the house, I was done and just FF to the inevitable Lifetime climax where the psycho gets her due.

I love how they always give a grand speech with an explanation of their motives while holding a gun on the victims. I always find that part entertaining and funny.

At least in this one the psycho gets killed instead of getting away like in some of these films, but it's another 1 star Lifetime film because of the stupidity of characters and absurd murder scenes.

People drop dead after 5 seconds of strangulation lol. It takes a hell of a lot longer and a lot of strength to strangle someone, but in these films the victims always fall like anchors 2 seconds after the cords are placed around their necks. Puh-lease!!
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