14 May 2022
This confused Paramount attempt to do 2022 sci-fi is so sad. There are so many producers, competing ideas and backstories, political goals and subtexts jammed in to the point of asphyxiation. Instead of focusing on a suitably fascinating science-fiction plot, SNW starts by clumsily pushing numerous irrelevant and unengaging personal backstories of the crew.

Strange New Worlds should be mainly about STRANGE. NEW. WORLDS. Instead, it already seems more interested in introspective themes and left-wing political narratives ABOUT. OUR. WORLD. It reeks of political bias and soulless corporate "creativity-by-committee". The whole alien plot was little more than a passive backstage for all of the above. THIS SHOW IS NOT ABOUT STRANGE NEW WORLDS.

Context: When I saw the title "Star Trek Strange New Worlds" I thought maybe. Just maybe. It wouldn't be a political outlet, that they learned from fan outrage over ST-D and "Not Halo" that they would restart with a fresh approach. But it is 2022 Paramount so I didn't have my hopes up.

My conclusion is that Paramount weighed these factors long ago but just doesn't care, as I am no longer the target audience. Sub cancelled.
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