Celebrating the Talkies
14 May 2022
A couple of years into the Talkie revolution, several studios put on feature-length revues to promote their brand, of which Paramount's effort seems to have been better than most, even though it has not worn particularly well since. (Also the print I watched was notably fuzzy and dim.)

Deservedly, it gives generous exposure to Maurice Chevalier, who had just rescued the studio's fortunes with his Ruritanian romance 'The Love Parade', just as the Wall Street crash was threatening to ruin Hollywood. In particular, his energetic closing act, 'Sweeping the Clouds Away', accompanied by an endless line of leggy beauties, was clearly meant as a cheer-up call for the Depression-hit masses.

As for the other performers, I can only say that they remind us of the transience of fame (at a range of nearly a century). Not one in ten of these names mean anything to us today. Jack Oakie seems to occupy second place, and although I have often enjoyed his work, I think he was personality rather than artistry. Interesting to catch a glimpse of the young Frederick March. Otherwise, Gary Cooper, Clara Bow and Fay Wray more-or-less complete the roll of memorable stars.
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