Many thoughtless viewers prattle on . . .
15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . about the alleged "educational" value of Dizzy film fare. If only they'd wax so eloquent about the classic American literature they're currently so eager to rip off library shelves and burn in their know-nothing conflagrations. These nefarious malingering miscreants would not recognize a STEM learning objective even if one reared back and bit them on their nose. PLUTO'S BLUE NOTE is one of those Dizzy disinformation vehicles deviously designed to dumb down America by bamboozling our young people. This pernicious picture portrays a dog able to "play" vinyl records using the tip of his tail as the needle! Furthermore, this false fabrication suggests that a doghouse drawn with NO source of electricity can support a plug-in appliance such as a turntable. Toddler watchers of PLUTO'S BLUE NOTE grew up to become the type of warped, irrational, fantasy world dwellers foisting their murderous minority beliefs on we normal working stiff loyal patriotic Citizens of Today. Our U. S. Homeland is doomed, and Dizzy is largely to blame.
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