Bubble (2022)
Bubble, a beautifully animated, directed and composed disappointment...
16 May 2022
Tldr: it's a flawed story with likable characters, a lot of cool yet mostly unexplored ideas, top tier animation and an amazing soundtrack. By no means a must watch, but still worth watching if you're interested in the concepts or want some top notch parkour animation.


For the lack of a better word, this movie was lacking.

But why? The concept is great, the music is amazing, the animation is some of the best out there and the writing while not the best of the best, it is also far from being bad.

So why? What could possibly be the reason...


Loosely based on little mermaid. A well known story, that even if you somehow don't know it, you will since the movie tells it, and says how it ends not too far into the first act, and to me, that's this movie's biggest downfall. Basing your main plot around a well known story, means audience having a good idea of what the story beholds from the start, which obviously is not the best thing, specially when you say how it ends and make sure the few who don't know it are also spoiled.

But unlike what you may think, that's not always a bad move ,while that type of story in most cases is not as good or at least not as interesting as a truly original idea, it can and has worked before in many cases. But for that to happen you need a little something called, "reasons"

if those reasons aren't present, you are just actively spoiling your story for no, well, "reason". And to no ones surprise, all spoilers do, is lessening the impact. And ruining the shock factor.

Again, it can work.

You can use the known story, to set up a twist by breaking the audiences expectation.

You can expand upon the idea and add to it.

Or you can even just remake it in a different setting, but in that case telling the audience what you are based on from the start becomes a moronic move.

The problem with bubble is that other than the elements mirroring the little mermaid story, it doesn't expand on ANYTHING.

*********************************** Out of context spoilers for this part:

Where did the bubble came from? Who knows.

Why had the time stopped in the tower? Who knows.

Why was the girls sister which was the other part of these "bubble" angry when she left? Who knows.

Where did the bubble go? "yOu sEe thErE arE tHeSe vorTex"

no that is not an explanation. That's cop out answer/theming at best. At the very least the movie could have it match the themes of the show like what parasyte The maxim did.


The show had a lot of ideas, but it didn't even attempt to go through any of them outside of the bare minimum. I just don't get it, if all you had to offer in terms of story was the little mermaid story, why would you even think of telling that to the audience DIRECTLY.

And I do mean that, the romance barely functioned since it was kind of rushed, and the characters where just ok. Nothing bad, but in no way special either. There is no message, there is no symbolism, there is no clever foreshadowing, theming or plot twist.

All the story had, was the little mermaid story and some unexplored ideas, and for some reason decided to spoil a massive part of it by telling you what the story is based on.

It's not all disappointment though. The animation and art are out of this world. The background were also some of the most wall paper worthy I have seen in a long time.

The music was also great. It didn't blow me away and become one of the best I have heard, but It was great through out the whole movie.

But the sad truth is that, this movie felt unfinished. It left a lot to the imagination in the worst way possible.

Wit has never missed the mark as far as I have seen, and this too was by no means a bad movie, but it was certainly disappointing.

Thanks for reading.
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