2 victims in this unsolved murder!
19 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this there is no way you can believe that Alan was guilty. The only reason he became 'a person of interest' was due to the low detector test, which psychologists believe cannot determine whether someone is guilty or not, it's not even admissible in court. 80% is what detectives believe it to be accurate, that means that 20% of the time it's wrong.

Linda Smith had 2 answers contradict themselves, but of course the detective will focus on the answer that suits their narrative. With the help of Janet they coerce multiple stories out of Linda to try and point the finger at Alan. One of which was whilst she was in a psychiatric hospital where she was seeking treatment. She felt like she was blocking out this crime only because the detective taking the lie detector test told her she was involved and hiding the truth. This literally drove her to the looney bin.

Out of desperation, they took advantage of a falsely accused man whose life had already been torn apart by false imprisonment for 5 years, by befriending him. At this point he had no friends, was lonely because of being accused of this murder. They create an elaborate plan to coerce another confession, this time out of Alan himself. I 100% believe that in that circumstance, under that pressure and stress, you would say just about anything to stay out of harms way and to protect his family, even confess to a murder you didn't commit. If confessing gives someone you are scared of, and rightly so, a reason to let you go, and have this ordeal over with, what harm would it do to tell them what they clearly want to hear. He isn't confessing thinking that people are listening and will use this against him, he is confessing because he believes if I just say this, I can leave. It makes complete sense.

From the very start to the very end I had no doubt he was innocent, I kept wondering why he would have confessed as it was played in the first episode, and by the time he had explained in the last episode it made complete sense.

1 last thing I want to say is that the murderer could have been anyone. The 70's was a decade filled with the most notorious serial killers. It could easily have been a random killing by a serial killer at the time, but most likely it was related to the drug dealings of her husband and his known clients and associates.
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