The naked man and the wooden horse ...
20 May 2022
I honestly don't know what I've just watched. Recommended for José Ramón Larraz completists only - anyone expecting the slow-burning exploitation/eroticism of his 1974 film 'Vampyres' will doubtless be disappointed with this.

A mildly sexual relationship develops between two young women, Triana and Lorna - and Triana is 'plagued' by dreams of a naked man on horseback. When he appears in actuality ... not a lot happens, all in a washed-out series of images (artistic choice or a sign of its age? Not sure). Shame, because it's an intriguing premise.

Possibly this film is notorious mostly for the image of a naked woman inside a wooden horse, which is being approached by another horse. It's enough to make the eyes water - but not much else remains in the memory. If you're persevering in the hope of a good ending ... I wouldn't bother. My score is 3 out of 10.
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