Star Trek: The Next Generation: Conundrum (1992)
Season 5, Episode 14
Plot holes, plot holes
20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A smart episode in some ways. A really dumb episode in others. Let's start with the fact that this has a Season 1-2 like ending of solving the conflict in the last two minutes of the episode. This creates two problems: 1. The resolution feels rushed and unearned. 2. It leaves several major plotholes. For one, why didn't MacDuff just make himself captain? Or why did he allow the crew to access the files that led to Crusher finding a potential cure? And also, aren't there children onboard the Enterprise? How does MacDuff account for that with his war story? The episode just pretends they don't exist.

The idea for this episode is actually really cool; what if a warring alien race manipulated the Enterprise into using it as a weapon? But the problem is the way they execute it, mostly in the pacing. Way too much time is spent trying to figure out who's who, and not enough time is spent with the, ahem, main conflict of the episode. You know, maybe have a real climax? Or save some time at the end to reveal who MacDuff was or how the frick he able to do all that to the Enterprise and the crew but not destroy a poorly defended space port? They don't explain it at all. This mystery episode is lacking any sort of reveal.

Also this episode has so much missed potential. I know it can't do everything, but if you're going to waste so much time at the beginning of the episode, can't you waste just a bit of time with the lower decks? Maybe explore some of their reactions to everything or incorporate those reactions into the plot. How about after the conflict is resolved, how about you just take out a minute to explore Picard knowing he killed 53 innocent people.

But overall it's not a bad episode. Like I said the premise is really engaging and I was actually enjoying it (despite the children plothole and slow pacing) until the last five minutes or so. There is some decent character exploration for a couple of the main cast. Ro is back, so that's great. This is actually one of the best directed episodes of TNG, using the shaky cam to great effect early on. But man did those last five minutes leave a bad taste. I don't see the hype this episode gets personally, but it's fine. Just really could have used a redraft or two. Or eight.
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