Review of ECCO

ECCO (2019)
Not what I was expecting...
21 May 2022
This movie was not what I was expecting, but in a good way. I went in not knowing much but figuring it was a kind of mindless action film -which I like, sometimes that's all you want. But really if that's what you're looking for this movie is probably not for you, because it's not mindless at all. There is action, but there's a lot more focus on the plot than your average action flick. No spoilers, I'll just say that combination really worked for me. It made me overlook the few flaws, parts where it dragged a little or was confusing. Overall it held my attention and was different so I was into it. Beautifully shot, which is weird to say about an action movie lol Never heard of any of the actors but I thought the lead did a great job making what could have been a kind of unbelievable character seem real and actually making me care.

Bottom line, if you go into this expecting pure adrenaline you will probably not enjoy it. But if you want a more in-depth story to spark conversation along with some action, this will work for you like it did for me.
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