Beck: 58 minuter (2022)
Season 8, Episode 3
Well, I liked it
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In contrast to the other reviewers here I enjoyed this episode very much.

OK, it's not some convoluted murder plot, but I was gripped throughout and although I started to suspect that Peter was acting under pressure, I didn't work out who was behind it all until more or less when the script revealed it.

As usual, every time someone suddenly spoke English, for a split second I would be fooled into thinking I understood Swedish :) (The facility everyone seems to have to switch into English at any time is really impressive) The dialogue between Tormalm and his English wife sounded as though it had been written by someone who either speaks English as a first language, or is extremely fluent. It sounded, especially on her part (fittingly) completely genuine.

Unlike others, I didn't find the political aspects a turn off & it's completely in line with the original Beck books to include such topics. The people who created Beck, Sjöwall and Wahlöö, made a point of writing about social issues in the Swedish welfare state along with traditional police procedural content, so this story, with its focus on a rich businessman ruining lives while he racks up more & more money, is spot on for a Beck topic.

I knew it probably wasn't going to end well for Maya, but was really hoping I was wrong. Ended up wishing they would include something to say her son would somehow be OK.

It's sad tale this one, no triumph to be had for anyone. At least there was the discussion between Jenny & Oskar to bring a little light relief.

Maybe people who want intrigue, gore & triumphant police catching bad guys won't like this more thoughtful episode, but it really is not bad.
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