The Lost City (I) (1935)
Jungle Madness...
22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This wacky, seemingly endless -the entire serial is 3+ hours in length!- movie is a series of chases through tunnels and jungles, with dozens of fights tossed in. All apparently taking place somewhere on the African continent.

The sinister Zolok (William "Stage" Boyd) is creating an army of giant zombies in his mountain lair. How? By using his brain-obliterating and body-enlarging machine of course.

Enter electrical engineer and adventurer Bruce Gordon (Kane Richmond) who's out to stop Zolok's eeevil plot at all costs.

Meanwhile, Queen Rhama (Margot D'Use), a diabolical slave trader and seductress, wants a giant zombie army of her own. Note: Her scenes only exist in the uncut version.

There's also a fortune-hunter named Butterfield (Gabby Hayes) and an Arabian Sultan with his own army of regular-sized men. Plus, Dr. Manyus (Josef Swickard), who has created a white tribe of natives for reasons unknown. Munyus has a freezer gun and a beautiful daughter.

All this, and there's room left over for a muscleman and a hunchback!

THE LOST CITY is fun in places, but does tend to drag on. This is especially evident in the full, uncensored cut. Queen Rhama is pretty amazing though...
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