Looking good, Klaus!
22 May 2022
The last 'Krimi'/Edgar Wallace adaptation I watched was "Der Hexer" (a.k.a. "The Magician"), and since that was great, I'm slightly worried the next couple of ones won't live up to its standards. This is already noticeable with "The Inn on the River". Although my expectations were set quite high, based on the plot synopsis of a serial killer in a diving suit terrorizing London and eliminating his/her victims with a harpoon, I found the film rather dull and predictable.

The disappointment mostly comes from the fact our scuba diver isn't a serial killer at all, but merely just the mysterious leader of a smuggling ring. And, with that, we're back in an overly familiar and derivative Edgar Wallace terrain. The regular Krimi-actors star in their usual roles, like Joachim Fuchsberger as the tough Scotland Yard inspector, Eddi Arent as the pointless comic relief, and Klaus Kinski as the sinister guy creeping around the crime scenes and popping up everywhere. Speaking of Klaus, I must say he never looked so good! With his fancy white suits and subtle beard, his character here is the handsomest of all the Krimi-characters he depicted... And there are many! Regarding the climax (as in: the revelation of the culprit), if you pay close attention and think logically, it's fairly simply to guess who's inside the wetsuit.
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