Great but 25 minutes too long
26 May 2022
Very good in parts. Nothing about it is bad and some of the stories and facts in the documentary are really well done and even something all Americans need to see. I do recommend this documentary to all Americans or even some Europeans like myself.

The reason I'm not giving it an 8 is because it has several issues. First one is a major issue we constantly see in personal projects where one guy writes and directs a movie or documentary. It's way too long. It's hard to cut scenes you wrote, filmed, and edited. When all scenes are personal you just tend to leave everything in as you feel that everything is great. Not so. This documentary is about Michael Brown, Black people in USA, Steel himself and his family, poor criminal Black people, White politicians, shootings, rioting, public housing failures, and more. Basically, it's about 4 things: the Michael Brown shooting, public housing failures, Steel's family history, and personal interviews with Christian Blacks. The first part is really great! Great work for sure. The public housing part is great and very intellectual, great stuff again. The last 2 parts are kinda all over the place. At most times everything works. At other times we just move so far away from the title of the documentary that it gets boring and a bit pointless. The last 15 minutes are pointless overall. And it's for sure 25 minutes too long. It's a shame because with some editing you can easily make a great documentary out of this. Cut 25 minutes, that's it. Focus on the shooting and then explain it and get out. Don't linger around forever. Make another documentary if you have a need to interview this many people. And don't end it with a really boring interview!

Secondly, it's a bit iffy on the science. He does rebut many of the destructive political ideas Democrats have created for Black people. But he exaggerates the negative effects from them. Democrat laws moving the Black father out of the home may have been a terrible idea, but it doesn't explain 100% of the race differences he observes. He has a very narrow focus on environment only and primarily bad modern laws. He's ignoring 95% of psychology studies on poverty, crime, and genes. Humans are not 100% created by our environment. But in his mind we seemingly are.
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