The OA: Invisible Self (2016)
Season 1, Episode 8
Sci fi, cosmology, esotherism and so much more in a single season.
27 May 2022
I started to watch this show because I was told it was good sci fi .... But really, this first season was so much more than that !

It was not only about paralell universes, cosmology, and near death experince, it was also about esotherism, connection betweeen beings, energy, choices.... Reference to Borges literature was also great with the idea of "forking paths" appearing more than once.

Although it may seem slow at times, such pace si needed to create an atmosphere which really contributes to the show. The final scenes of this episode even managed to generate something on me. I felt a desire to cry at some point, a real connection to the characters in the show !!!!

The power of the moverments is real !!!

And also, this finale leaves so many opened questions which are to be answered either by a second season or by you own imagination.
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