Maverick in The Sky
27 May 2022
Recently viewed Top Gun Maverick (2022) directed by Joseph Kosinski, starring Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connelly, Miles Teller and many more. This is my personal, detailed rating of the movie based on multiple key aspects that I believe define what makes a movie good or bad. I watched the movie in cinemas (Laser Ultra) with my family and we found it very entertaining. I didn't know much about the movie nor its predecessor, but I was pleasently surprised about the concept, adrenaline inducing action and filmmaking. Enjoy the review!

I went into the theater blind, not even having watched the first Top Gun (which I highly regret). I didn't really have any expectations - though I did presume that I was going to witness some awesome practical effects. And that I did.

I loved the story. It felt classic, but not to the point of cliche. It felt like a wholesome and exciting story. The characters were all very stereotypical, which is a good thing in this case. A mix of all these stereotypes thus made for the perfect team. I was pretty much entertained throughout the whole movie and didn't once feel bored or anything like that.

Tom Cruise nailed it once again. For those including sometimes myself who might have thought at some point that Cruise is a great stuntman but not necessarily a great actor - this movie proved me wrong once again. Obviously he's still a great stuntman, but his acting is also top notch. There were points that I felt really emotional. I also liked Jon Hamm's character because I hated the character but eventually respected him.

The action was insane! Having filmed this in actual fighter jets and in the sky made this movie incredible for me. I felt real stakes and was at the edge of my seat throughout all the action sequences. The adrenaline rush that they must've felt definetely pushed through the screen into our bodies. The right amount of humor was inserted and it was nice.

The cinematography was incredible. The visuals of the film were top notch and oscar worthy for sure. I also really enjoyed the soundtrack by Hans Zimmer (and others). Definetely one to save on Spotify.

This movie surprised me in a very good way. Didn't expect to leave the cinema this flabbergasted. I highly recommend this one to be viewed on the big screen - as per usual. Finally, my rating of this film is 9/10.
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