Review of 58 minuter

Beck: 58 minuter (2022)
Season 8, Episode 3
Beck: 58 Minutes
28 May 2022
This episode opens in a TV studio during a live broadcast; those due to be interviewed include Alex Beijer, a member of Beck's team, and Tomas Tormalm, a wealthy businessman who is due to talk about his charitable work. As the show starts a security guard pulls out a gun and takes those present hostage; in the confusion Tormalm escapes. The hostage taker wants him back... he says that if he isn't back by the time the show is due to end, in fifty eight minutes, he will start killing hostages. While tensions rise further in the studio the police must find out why this man is acting how he is and what Tormalm might have done to cause such feeling.

Usually 'Beck' opens with a murder but this is something different; I can understand why this will disappoint some viewers. I found it enjoyable even if it isn't one of the best episodes. The sealed studio setting created an impressive sense of claustrophobia and the way it plays out in real time gives a sense of urgency. The question of why the hostage taker is doing what he is is intriguing; various early hints make the actually reason not too surprising when it comes. There are some problems of course, most obviously the way team member Josef behaves would almost certainly get any real police officer kicked off the force! As one would expect the acting is good throughout. Overall I'd say this wasn't a classic episode but I still quite liked it.

These comments are based on watching the episode in Swedish with English subtitles.
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