This cruise hits stagnant water a little too much for my liking
28 May 2022
Captain Wellington Crowther is in charge of the SS Happy Wanderer and is none too pleased when he discovers that nearly all of his crew have been replaced with crew members whom he deems to be incompetent. As if that wasn't bad enough for Crowther, he also has some rather strange passengers on board whom only seem to add to his woes...

I'll hold my hand up and admit I'm something of a Carry on novice (this is the 4th film that I've seen), but the first 3 films that I've watched are the actual first 3 films in the series (all of which I loved) and sadly Carry On Cruising just doesn't quite cut it...

I think what lets Cruising down is the writing; a lot of the jokes are half-hearted, some work, but many don't. The romantic trysts (which act as a driver to the story) aren't all that funny and many of the characters suffer the same plight; they are all flawed in one capacity or another, but never in a way that generates any big laughs.

One thing that served the earlier films so well is that they had decent stories with a good amount of slapstick, but in Cruising you don't really get much of either. The story seems to just be everyone trying to cop off with everyone and the slapstick humour evident in the earlier films seems to have been all but abandoned in this film. There's an elderly female guest and an inebriate male who show promise at the start, but sadly, with poor writing, they don't really add anything.

The bar was set very high with the first 3 films so perhaps I expected too much from Cruising, and whilst it's not a bad film and has its moments compared to the high standard set by the first 3 films it is disappointing by comparison.
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